Thursday, February 11, 2010

Eating food you find growing outside

Who knows why I like the concept of foraging in the forest? Or maybe its the wild that appeals to me.

I really like the concept as opposed to the practicality.

I have tried growing herbs in my kitchen, every year I try. Every year I fail, in a more spectacular way.

Plants are temperamental little things. They are not like a computer, that you plug in and it starts to work, you have to prod and encourage them and make sure they do.

Also it annoys me that my house does not smell of herbs,apparently this only happens in hot weather or when they are dried.

No change of growing them outside my window because my windows face south east which is bad news for plants.

The rising sun kills plants in their tracks especially in the winter, I have some weeds growing in there though, have cute little flowers in there as well.

So wild food

Wildman Food

Self sufficientish

Wild Foodie

Eat weeds

Wild Food foraging

Food you can find outside by season. Its mostly in the summer but still good.

Here is a nice article about wild food.
Its the sarcasm I love more than anything
Foraging Failures

Monday, February 8, 2010

My Ideal Life wear

If work were not an issue I would be dressed like this always.

I have been looking around for something that matches my fashion sense exactly. Seems like I have seen in the this very funky small store.

It is far too expensive though, £60 per outfit. At least. I have my eye on the now pixie coat. What a cute idea. I have been trawling the web so far , certain that there must be a few people doing the same thing.

I located Etsy.


I have logged in there and bought this awesome hip bag and now I am waiting anxiously for it to arrive.

Locating it has been difficult, so far these are all the names I have found to describe this one item


Tool belt-bag-pouch

Cell phone-PDA-Ipod-wallet Holster

Fannypack / Apron

Urban Holster

Mini Urban Holster

Service Pouch

Pixie Pockets


Hip belt

Pocket Belt

Detachable pocket

Hiking belt

No wonder its taken me so long to find it. I personally like the term pixie pockets most of all. It reminds me of running through the forrest with the tip of your pointed hoodie blowing in the wind getting caught on brambles. I was also swayed by the stuff in this store,

but I'll see how this goes and then maybe I'll try them.

I'm also looking on ebay.

I found a shop that show promise

Will check this out and report back later