This movie!
From the moment I saw this in my inbox, part of the weekly from the weekly updates from Curzon that i had subscribed to to lessen the pressure from random strangers who demanded to know my position on aspects of culture, I knew I had to see it.
It was the kind of movie that made me like Low budget, Off Hollywood film. It was a remake of a Hollwood favourite, the Vampire film. I had recently seen Twilight so was really hopeful of a good film.
So i knew it was showing I knew that I had to watch it. Whether I was going to pay the 10 quid they were demanding was another matter. It wasn't out for a few weeks so I planned on squeezing some time into my schedule, saving up my pennies so I could go watch it.
Later that day I also got an update from facebook from Prince Charles Cinema, my heroes. Guess what? They did have it. That day only, for a fiver, bargain. I set myself an alarm, as I tend to forget everything and rubbed my hands together in delight at the after work pleasures that awaited me.
I ran up to the cinema after work, ignoring all the popcorn and fizzy drinks and threw myself into a seat and waited for the film to begin. The person, animal? maybe kept kicking my seat so I was forced to keep leaning back in an attempt to trap their knee under my seat. When that didn't work I sat up straighter in my seat, took my hair band out and fluffed up my hair as much as it would go. I must admit, I really liked the sudden silence took the place of their irritating giggling. So, I think, actually, they must have been some kind of hyena or something.
Anyway, to the film. It started with this little boy, skinny and blonde standing at a window, Oskar. He had the most gorgeous hair ever and the nasty habit of not wiping his nose but leaving it to run to his lips then kind of licking it off. But then I suppose, he is a little boy after all, they probably actually do that over there.
He was a very angry little boy, he was being bullied at school and was far too nice to do anything about it. He vented his angrier and frustration by collecting stories about guns and murder and dreaming of the grisly death that he could inflict on this tormentors. He was saved by a little girl who simply told them to give him a good slap. The end.
No actually there is more to the story than that. He was a very angry little boy, one person who reviewed the film Sukhdev Sandhu from the Telegraph noted casually that Oskar met the vampire character Eli "while out stabbing a tree repeatedly with his hunting knife" http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/culturecritics/sukhdevsandhu/5131859/Let-The-Right-One-In-review.html
The story is beautiful and quite graphic. More graphic that I expected after watching Twilight and not having read either book on which the films were based I was solely seeing how they handled the theme of Vampire attracted Human. I originally wanted to watch Twilight because I saw the previews of Twighlight and thought it was fantastic. I enjoyed the subtlety of it all and the more equal distribution of power between the characters and the forward nature of Bella. I thought it was a true Hollywood classic and found myself looking for the stories of the characters in real life. I reflected that finally people who thought they were strange for different would stop sleeping in coffins, wearing black and doing strange things on their faces with red and black pencil.
After watching the Let the right one in, I am more that certain, that in some way Stephanie Meyer stole the idea off this
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