Thursday, September 2, 2010

Cutting Tshirts

Well, I just went to notting hill carnival. Notting hill represents many things to many people but to me there are two main things wearing a tshirt or wearing a costume.
On the tshirt day I saw so many nicely customised Tshirts I didn't know what to do with myself.

I was mainly jealous though. Very, very jealous and upset that I had not come more prepared.

So I have spent the days after the carnival looking for ways to customise tshirts.
I have found load of interesting things. I liked the ones that are very creative obviously made by experienced seamstresses whose talent knows no bounds. Such as a bikini made from a tshirt

Or how to make a wedding dress from tshirts

One woman called Angela Johnson actually had a ball gown from tshirts, have a look.

This woman is clearly so talented I probably don't even deserve to breathe the same air as her. I should probably kiss the ground she walks on, or bow or cover my factory made clothes in shame should I ever spot her anywhere.

But I digress, why was I looking at things you could do with frumpy tshirts? oh yes, so I could "shock out" at carnival like everyone else. Instead I found a tutorial for a tote bag tshirt that I was eyeing up on Etsy
You can also cut bits from your tshirt and make it into a hair rose which I like the idea of, very much. Perfect way to keep those xtra large tshirts that my mom always brings me as I have far too many oversized shirts using as nighties.

You can also add quirky tags to it, all you need is a pattern and some broken jewellery. You can find out how to do this if you watch the end of this video about making a corset tshirt.
I won't be making a corset tshirt as I am not cutting anything into six pieces and restiching it.

There is tshirt necklace, another handy way to get rid of those pesky thirts from mom

A variation on this, you can make a fringe necklace from a tshirt

Or even a bracelet

Or coasters

There is a way to make jogging bottoms out of a tshirt, perfect. One day I will have on oversised boyfriend who will wear oversized tshirts which I will steal and use to make these cute shorts and parade around his house in them. Yes, that's what I'll do

Most of the stuff I found was from a website called Cut Out And Keep. I need a whole blog post to dedicate to that one, but they have a duct tape ring on there. A nice option for an unusual ring.

Anyway, after all that distraction I have found some nice links I will be practicing with for carnival. Hide your tshirts!

Sexify your shirt

You basically need to fold the back of the shirt in half, then do the cuts, you can then tie the back so it fits you nicely.
You will also need to cut off the neckline or it will look chunky


Here are some good videos to guide you through.
Here are some sites with so much stuff, its bound to keep you amused for hours.  
Lots of stuff to do to a tshirt including making a camisole.


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